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Hebrew 2 - Oct 30, 2023


What does the author intend to communicate to his hearers?

Pay attention (v.1) to the gospel! The kingdom of God has arrived, and you are beneficiaries of it - co-heirs and co-rulers with Christ. Don't neglect this salvation. He has "put everything under (our) feet." But remember that it is only through our union with King Jesus that we are co-heirs and co-rulers. King Jesus was made perfect was through his suffering and temptation, his death and exaltation. Because King Jesus - in whom all things are held together - was made lower than the angels, was clothed in flesh, suffered and died so that we, united to him, can be released from a fear of death. Jesus lowered Himself that He might lift us up.

What is the problem presented in this passage? How does it expose my need for a Savior?

How quickly I forget the gospel! Lord Jesus, I confess that my heart continues to believe that the pathway to exaltation is one of personal successes and wins. While my knuckles may be roughed up, I believe this primarily looks like gaining more control, more power, more "stability," and comfort in my life. I confess my heart believes:

  • If God loves me, life will be at least somewhat easier

  • Where I see failure (in others), I see someone who is less than me

  • My worth is measured by my own success

  • Joy = happy, healthy, and care-free

Such a belief is certainly a drift from the gospel I know is true! Look at Jesus who succeeds through failing, who saves through suffering, who gives life through death.

How does Jesus fix it? How is He the Messiah and Redeemer?

I have a High Priest who is can empathize with my weakness. King Jesus gave of himself, becoming like us, even lower than the angels, taking on temptation, suffering, and death. Jesus shows me that the pathway to exaltation is only found in Him being a propitiation for my sins. This path to life, exaltation, and power runs through Christ's humiliation - his suffering and his cross. What a joy it is, therefore, to be united with him not only in his life, but also in his death and resurrection! Thank you, King Jesus, that you are not ashamed to call me "brother." Thank you that my hope can find its rest not on the stock market, but on your victory over death. Thank you that my joy can come from knowing and being known by you. Thank you for being a High Priest who doesn't look down on my for my sins, but who presents me spotless and pure because of your blood shed for me.

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Asheville Hope is a member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. 




P.O. Box 5345

Asheville, NC 28813



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